Compose your message with not more than 50 words in English/Deutch/Malayalam and send to youth.msocme@gmail.com with a nice photo of you. The message should reach us not later than 22nd December 2009. The winning message will be posted on the blog on 24th December 2009 and the prize will be handed over at the venue of next family conference.
Note the following points again:
1. Participant should be a member of MSOCME Youth
2. Only one message per participant
2. Only one message per participant
3. Message with photograph should reach youth.msocme@gmail.com on or before 22 Dec 2009
4. Message should not be more than 50 words--
Thank you very much!
MSOCME Youth Blog
"... where friends get together in HIS name."
Thank you very much!
MSOCME Youth Blog
"... where friends get together in HIS name."
good competition....